Casa Garcia follows the family tradition of wholesale agricultural product traders established in Colombia in the 80s. Our main goal is to provide the best organic and specialty coffees produced by local farmers from all regions of Colombia to Hong Kong.
Our sustainable practices can guarantee not only the excellent flavor of our coffee but also the nurturing care about environment for years to come. Every time you purchase from us you are supporting a project that helps and promotes local farmers in Colombia who are ecologically friendly and loyal to their traditional values On behalf of all our team Gracias (thanks)!
Casa Garcia 承載著80年代哥倫比亞農產品批發貿易商的家族傳統。我們的咖啡由哥倫比亞農民生產,希望能拓展香港市場,為香港客戶提供最優質的有機咖啡和精品咖啡。
Casa Garcia 注重可持續發展,我們除了能保證咖啡風味純正,更著重未來咖啡種植的環境培育。每位購買Casa Garcia產品的客戶,都等同對哥倫比亞當地農民的支持。哥倫比亞農民一直跟隨傳統,善待生態環境。Casa Garcia團隊非常感謝每位客戶。

The Rainforest Alliance is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) with staff in more than 20 countries and operations in more than 70 countries. It was founded in 1987 by Daniel Katz, an American environmental activist, who serves as the chair of the board of directors. The NGO states that its mission is “to create a more sustainable world by using social and market forces to protect nature and improve the lives of farmers and forest communities.” It´s work includes the provision of an environmental certification for sustainability in agriculture. In parallel to its certification program, the Rainforest Alliance develops and implements long-term conservation and community development programs in several critically important tropical landscapes where commodity production threatens ecosystem health and the well-being of rural communities.
The Rainforest Alliance is a product-oriented multi-stakeholder governance group combining the interests of companies, farmers, foresters, communities, and consumers to produce sustainable and harmonious goods.
雨林聯盟(Rainforest Alliance)是一個國際非政府組織,員工遍布在20多個國家,他們更在70多個國家營運。雨林聯盟於1987年由美國環境活動家丹尼爾 · 卡茨(Daniel Katz)創立,並擔任董事會主席。這個非政府組織的使命是「通過社會和市場力量,保護自然和改善農民和森林社區的生活,創造一個可持續的世界」。他們的工作包括為農業的可持續性提供環境認證。在開展認證項目的同時,雨林聯盟亦在數個因商品生產威脅到生態系統和農村福祉的熱帶地區,制定和實施長期保護和社區發展計劃。